Saturday, April 18, 2009

Masala Egg Toast

This is the savory version of the french toast. It is great by itself or when served with cilantro chutney. It tastes great with a harder variety of bread like french/italian loaf. To make it healthy we can use sprouted grain eziekel bread and cholestorol free egg beaters. These can be substituted with any bread and eggs if preferred.


1 small tub egg beaters (equivalent to two large eggs)
1 cup chopped red onion
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
2 tsp milk
salt per taste
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp red chillie powder
3 whole green chillies chopped into rounds
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
2 slices Italian/French/Eziekel/White Bread
Non stick cooking spray / oil


Mix egg beaters, milk, salt, garam masala, red chilli powder, ginger garlic paste and whisk lightly. Mix cilantro, green chillies and chopped red onion.

Pour mixture into a large shallow bowl or plate in which a bread slice can be dipped.

Pre-Heat a non-stick pan on medium heat and spray with non stick cooking spray.

Dip bread in the egg mixture to cover it on both sides. Soak it so that it does not get squishy yet is considerably infused with liquid.

Drop in the hot pan on oil, and do not disturb till bottom side is done. This way it will come off the pan easily without sticking. You can spoon a bit of egg mixture on the top side while it cooks in the pan.

Loosen with a flipper and flip to the other side quickly and again do not disturb.

Cut into long rectangular pieces and garnish with cilantro and sprinkle some garam masala on top. Serve with cilantro chutney or tomato ketchup.


You can add any of chopped onions, spinach, julienned mushrooms etc to the mixture.

Calorie Count

Bread 100 per slice

Eggs 60

Onions, ginger, garlic etc 30

Milk/oil spray 10

Total 300


Thalipeeth is a Maharashtrian (Western Indian) flat bread prepared on stove-top non stick pan or iron skillet. It is made from flour of variety of roasted lentils, legumes and wheat. It is very healthy and can be prepared with very little oil. It is served with yogurt, pickle or chutney's on the side.


1/2 packet K-Pra Thalipeeth Bhajani (Roasted Lentil Flour)
1 tea spoon red chilli powder (optional)
1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder (optional)
salt per taste
1 cup chopped spring onions
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
Non stick cooking spray / oil / ghee


Mix Bhajani, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, chopped spring onions and cilantro. Add some cold water, little at a time to form a wet, formable dough. Remember that the bread is not formed by rolling or stretching but by patting the dough on the pan with your palm.

If you are using electric stove, turn it to maximum setting without the pan on top till the filament glows bright red.

Apply some cooking spray to a big non stick pan. Place the ball of dough on the center of the pan, and wet your hand while being off the cooking range.

Slowly press down the dough in small pats, repairing the edges together after every few pats. You should not form the bread in one single pat of palm but many gentle pats, to slowly and evenly expand the dough around in the pan.Create a small hole at the centre and pour some oil or ghee. This is to stop the bread from sticking to the pan at the centre and make it easier to come off the pan when cooked without breaking.

Now Place pan on the heated stove and cover the pan.

Cook on high till the oil in the center of flatbread is absorbed, then turn the heat to medium and continue to cook covered. Do not attempt to loosen the flatbread or flip it till the bottom side is done nice and hard, else you will most certainly break the bread.

After the bottom side is done, slightly loosen the flatbread from the sides and give the pan a bit of shake. This will free the flat bread off the pan. Flip, and cook covered on medium till the other side is done.

If you like it slightly crispy flip again and cook uncovered according to preference.

Serve with 0% Fage Yogurt for a low calorie yet very filling meal.


You can add any of spring onions, grated radish, cabbage, leftover daal, coarse ground peanuts, thin garlic slices to the flour to create your own Thalipeeth.


Friday, April 17, 2009


Flandango also known as flan / creme caramel / caramel custard is a spanish dessert. This is a quick and lower calorie version using cholestorol free egg beaters.

1 5 fl oz evaporated milk (unsweetened condensed) 1 tub original egg beaters (no yolk cholesterol free) equivalent to two large eggs. 2 corningware 70z/200ml soufflé/flan/custard/crème brulee cups (ceramic, unglazed, straight edge, ridged) 1 tea spoon brown sugar or white sugar sprinkled with some water drops for caramelization 8 tea spoon white sugar for custard half tea spoon vanilla essence
Microwave 1tsp sugar with half tsp water in each custard cup for 1min then 10 sec intervals till sugar is caramelized.
Heat milk for 1.20 seconds in the microwave. In another cup take egg beaters liquid and a egg whip. Pour warmed milk into this cup in a slow trickle while continuously whipping the egg beaters liquid to infuse warm milk. Do this to avoid the eggs from getting scrambled and cooked because of sudden mixing with hot milk.
Add 1 tea-spoon vanilla extract and approx 8 tea spoons sugar and mix till sugar dissolves.
Pour mixture in cups slowly over the caramelized sugar.
Take hot tap water in a sauce-pan and pour it in a big baking pan in a oven pre-heated to 350deg farenheit. Place cups in this pan so that water climbs up close to the edge of the cups but not completely. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.
If flan is done in the oven, it will be overdone on your plate. Usually the top just about starts getting a color, so stop just before you think flan is done and leave the flan in the baking tray for a while with stove door open. If you insert a tooth pick it should not come out wet. Take out and refrigerate at least six hours. Insert knife at edge of the cup, hold the knife, and rotate cup against the cutting edge of the knife without moving the knife.
Then give the cup a bit of a jiggle to loosen the flan from the sides. Place a serving plate face down on top of the custard cup and then invert and give the back of the cup a thwack and jiggle it a bit and lift.
  Calorie Count
Eggs 60
Milk 200
Sugar 140
Total 4 serving, two custard cups (Desserts always for splitting with someone J).
Per person 100
Variations You can use Fruit preserves, Agave Nectar, Jams as a substitute for caramelized sugar.