Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fried Garlic Chutney

I learnt this from a very good friend. This is different from the maharashtrian garlic chutney which is made with crushed garlic, ground peanut and coconut. This is a great side for rice, chapati, khichadi and has a very bold and strong garlic flavor. This becomes a treat for garlic lovers.

16 big peeled garlic pods
5 tablespoons ground peanut powder / chutney.
1 tablespoon oil
1 tsp red chilli powder (not required if you use ground peanut chutney)
salt per taste
1/2 cup chopped cilantro


Chop Garlic pods into fairly large pieces. The strong flavor of this chutney comes from chewin large pieces of garlic.

Heat oil in a pan till its hot enough to fry garlic and brown it. Add garlic pieces and sautee them till they are browned on all sides. They will get crispy when cooled down.

Add peanut powder, salt, red chilli powder (or peanut chutney which is nothing but a mixture of the same). Turn off the heat and add chopped cilantro and mix. Serve as a side.


You can add some chopped spring onions to garlic after it has browned to increase the volume of the chutney.


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